Brené Brown
Brené Brown who is known as an author and a podcast host was born in San Antonio on November 18, 1965.
This list contains 4 book recommendations by Brené Brown.
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Which books does Brené Brown recommend?
To date, Brené Brown has recommended 4 books which you can see in the list above. Among those books the most recently recommended ones are "Stretch : unlock the power of less-- and achieve more than you ever imagined" by , "How to Be an Antiracist" by Ibram X. Kendi, and "How to walk away" by Katherine Center.
Books of which genre does Brené Brown recommend?
What are the latest new book recommendations?
The most recently recommended books on Tapping Minds are "The Conscience Code" by G. Richard Shell, "Courage Is Calling" by Ryan Holiday, and "Bittersweet" by Susan Cain.